Published in the Vancouver Sun June 3, 2011 BY AMANDA ASH, VANCOUVER SUN “When I was young, it seemed that life was so wonderful. A miracle. Oh it was beautiful, magical …” The lyrics to Supertramp’s The Logical Song weren’t just words to mouth along to Thursday night. They meant something much more to the middle-aged […]
Published in the Vancouver Sun June 1, 2011 BY AMANDA ASH, VANCOUVER SUN Anna Calvi is fearless, or so the voice on her self-titled debut suggests. The British vocalist, hailed by the BBC’s Sound of 2011 as one of the year’s most promising new artists, is an emotional tempest when it comes to her haunting […]
Published in the Vancouver Sun May 28, 2011 BY AMANDA ASH, VANCOUVER SUN With six Juno Awards, gold and platinum records, and enough shaggy lumberjack hair to make women squeal for the past eight years, it’s safe to say the Sam Roberts Band is quickly becoming a Canadian music staple. It all started with Roberts’ […]
Published in the Vancouver Sun on May 17, 2011. BY AMANDA ASH, VANCOUVER SUN A lot of people hate on Kid Rock, but the truth is there’s not much to hate — any more, that is. The Detroit-based singer-songwriter, rapper and country artist is a changed man. He hasn’t put the most straitlaced foot forward […]
Published in the Vancouver Sun on May 10, 2011. BY AMANDA ASH, VANCOUVER SUN James Blunt is like the middle child in a family of radio superstars and soft-rock indie darlings: He seems to get lost in the fuss over his more defined siblings. Blunt, a British cavalry captain-turned-musician, straddles the border of Top 40 […]
Published in the Vancouver Sun on May 9, 2011. BY AMANDA ASH, VANCOUVER SUN Juggling family engagements, job deadlines and personal sanity on a day-to-day basis can be a workout in itself, but thanks to a group of Vancouver women, there’s a new way to get -or stay -in shape even when your schedule is […]
Story published in the Vancouver Sun on May 5, 2011. BY AMANDA ASH, VANCOUVER SUN With Vancouver’s DOXA Documentary Film Festival celebrating its 10th anniversary this year, programmer Dorothy Woodend is taking the opportunity to raise a glass to one “tough, feisty little festival.” Woodend, a longtime DOXA film critic and board member, leapt in […]
Review published in the Vancouver Sun on April 19, 2011. BY AMANDA ASH, VANCOUVER SUN Robert Plant is a musical nomad. He’s sailed the spiraling seas of ’70s psychedelia, scaled the jagged peaks of rock ‘n’ roll and wandered through the twisting backcountry of bluegrass. Today, touring in support of his new album Band Of […]
BY AMANDA ASH, SPECIAL TO THE SUN It happens to the best of us: Spring rolls around, and as we strip off the pea coats and oversized sweaters, we notice a little jiggle in our step. The gym is a logical place to start a sand-and-sun fitness routine, but for most people, hitting the treadmill […]
Story published in the Vancouver Sun on March 3, 2011. BY AMANDA ASH You could say Lynn Booth is the modern day version of True Grit’s lead protagonist, Mattie Ross. Booth, a Vancouver-based film and television producer/writer, is this year’s recipient of the Spotlight Awards’ Woman Of The Year award, presented by the Women In […]